
Mineral-Rich Winter Salad

A healthy diet depends on an adequate supply of minerals. Our experience shows that a well-mineralized body offers the best conditions for health. Minerals give the body structure and are essential for all metabolic processes.

A winter salad rich in minerals is therefore a wonderful dish to help you get through the cold season well-fortified. With its combination of kale, pointed cabbage, peas, cucumber, and avocado, it’s bursting with minerals.

Kale: calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus
Pointed cabbage: calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus
Peas: calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc
Cucumber: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus
Avocado: calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc

kale salad



for 4 servings

  • 2 handfuls of kale

  • 1/2 pointed cabbage
  • 200 g peas
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 avocado


  • 100 g cedar nuts or 2-3 tbsp almond butter
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Pinch of salt


  • Cut the kale, pointed cabbage, and cucumber into small pieces, dice the avocado, and put everything in a large bowl along with the peas.
  • For the dressing, mix all ingredients in a small blender until creamy.

  • Fold the dressing into the vegetables, let it sit for half an hour, and serve.
kale salad
greed salad with kale


Health effects of minerals

Minerals play a crucial role in health as they are responsible for many vital functions in the body. Below are some reasons why minerals are so important for health.

Structural support

Minerals such as calcium and phosphorus are crucial for building and maintaining bones and teeth. A deficiency can lead to problems such as osteoporosis.

Nervous system

Minerals such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium are important for electrical signal transmission in the nervous system. They influence muscle contraction, heart rhythm, and neuronal communication.

Energy production

Minerals play a role in energy production in the mitochondria of cells. Magnesium, for example, is involved in many metabolic processes that produce energy.

Enzyme function

Many enzymes that are responsible for metabolic reactions require minerals as cofactors. These enzymes regulate numerous physiological processes in the body.

Fluid balance

Sodium and potassium are crucial for maintaining water and electrolyte balance in the body, which in turn affects blood pressure and cellular function.

Immune system

Minerals such as zinc, iron, and copper play a role in the immune system and are important for the function of immune cells.

A deficiency or imbalance of minerals can lead to various health problems. A balanced diet that contains a variety of minerals is crucial to supporting health.


We hope you enjoy our mineral-rich winter salad and look forward to your feedback in the comments below!



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Ulrike Eder (Author)

Ulrike is a naturopath, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Hippocrates Lifestyle Medicine Coach and phytotherapist. Together with her husband, Jürgen, she leads the Holistic Nutrition Coach training program of Your Nutrition Academy.



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