
Your Academy for a New World of Food

Raw Vegan Focus

Your Nutrition Academy combines the most nutrient-rich foods into delicious meals, enabling health, beauty, sustainability, and happiness.

Training Program

Our certified training program enables you to become a Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach with a raw vegan focus.

Blog Articles

Our blog articles support you in learning more about nutrition to achieve a high level of health.

Raw & Vegan Recipes

Here you will find over 100 raw vegan recipes – it doesn’t get any tastier and more nutritious than this!

About the Founders

We are Ulrike and Jürgen, and we founded “Your Nutrition Academy” to share all our knowledge about raw vegan nutrition with all of you. Our aim is to train Holistic Health & Nutrition Coaches who are best prepared to identify the health challenges we face today and support others on their way to more health and vitality.

That’s why we’ve developed an extensive training program designed for anyone who wants to turn their passion for nutrition into a future-oriented career.

Become a Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach

Improve your own health to the highest level and start a future-oriented career!