
Homemade Vegan Mozzarella

Psyllium husks are an important ingredient in this recipe as they provide the mozzarella-like texture. Imagine- we don’t have to give up mozzarella in the raw vegan diet, we can make raw vegan mozzarella ourselves!

We have two variations to choose from:

  • Cashew Mozzarella
  • Hemp Seed Mozzarella

Psyllium husks

Psyllium husks are the seed coats of a plantain plant and originate from India. The plant resembles the buckhorn plantain. The seed hulls swell up to 20 times their volume and are a valuable, high-fiber ingredient in the context of intestinal rehabilitation, constipation or diarrhea. Due to their special swelling properties, they are very suitable for thickening and they’re gluten-free.



  • ½ cup cashews
  • 2 tablespoons of psyllium husks
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 tablespoon yeast flakes – optional if you like that cheesy taste


  1. Soak psyllium husks in 200 ml water for 2 hours.
  2. Soak cashews in water for 2 hours.
  3. Drain and rinse cashews.
  4. Blend all ingredients together with psyllium husk mixture and season to taste.
  5. Put “mozzarella” in a small mold and refrigerate for 1 hour. Cut into slices.



  • 20g peeled hemp seeds
  • 2 tablespoons of psyllium husks
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 tablespoon yeast flakes – optional if you like that cheesy taste


  1. Soak all ingredients together for half an hour.
  2. Blend, season to taste and place in a serving ring or small bowl. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Slice and serve.

The Hemp Seed Mozzarella stands out for its optimal fatty acid balance of Omega-6 : Omega-3 of 3:1.

Everything you need to know about hemp seeds you’ll find HERE.


This mozzarella has a classic taste with tomatoes and basil or with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. If you love a gentle taste of garlic, you can prepare delicious raw mozzarella bread with garlic mustard.



Garlic mustard

The gentle healing effect of garlic mustard is mainly based on the mustard oil glycosides, saponins as well as some essential oils contained within. These ingredients have antibacterial, antibiotic and blood purifying effects.

Both the leaves and flowers are edible. With its slightly garlicky aroma, it’s considered a special tip for raw food cooking and is a wonderful alternative for those who find garlic and wild garlic too intense.

Garlic mustard grows early in the year, blooms as early as May, forms seed pods and is then barely visible by late summer.


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Ulrike Eder (Author)

Ulrike is a naturopath, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Hippocrates Lifestyle Medicine Coach and phytotherapist. Together with her husband, Jürgen, she leads the Holistic Nutrition Coach training program of Your Nutrition Academy.



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