
Zucchini Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce

Zucchini Spaghetti can refresh classic spaghetti dishes! And children love especially this zucchini spaghetti with tomato sauce. If desired, the zucchini spaghetti can be combined with classic spaghetti, rice or glass noodles. The proportion of freshness is high, and the combination with cooked spaghetti makes it appear crunchy, but not raw!

Zucchini Spaghetti With Tomato Sauce

for 4 servings


  • Spiralize 4 zucchini
  • Optionally cook 8 oz (250 g) wholemeal spaghetti or rice noodles, drain and fold into the zucchini spaghetti.

What about the sauce?

If you need to be quick, you can use store bought pesto – you can even get it cold-processed from many organic stores.

You can prepare a raw tomato sauce very quickly, see our recipe below!

Raw Tomato Sauce


  • 8 tomatoes
  • 6 sun-dried  tomatoes
  • 2 – 3 dates
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 bunch basil


Blend all ingredients, save half the basil, for 30 seconds. Finely chop remaining basil. Pour the tomato sauce over the spaghetti and sprinkle with basil.

Vegan Bolognese Mince


  • ½ cup sunflower seeds
  • ½ cup buckwheat
  • 1 tablespoon Miso paste
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 date
  • 1 zucchini


  1. Soak dates, buckwheat and sunflower seeds separately in water overnight.
  2. In the morning, rinse and drain the seeds in a colander.
  3. Process all ingredients in a food processor to a coarse paste and fold into the tomato sauce.

TIP: If you prepare the veggie mince in a large quantity and dry it in the dehydrator, you’ll always have the ideal bolognese ingredient ready, or a delicious granola for in between meals.

Cashew Parmesan

  • 1 cup cashews
  • 1–2 tablespoons yeast flakes
  • Crystal or rock salt

Finely grind cashews in a blender and stir in yeast flakes and salt. The yeast flakes give the dish a slightly cheesy flavor.

Zucchini für Kinder
Zucchini to go


Zucchini Spaghetti is perfect as a to go dish!


When packed in layers in a glass like in the photo above, it looks visually appealing and also has a purpose:

  • Zucchini spaghetti with sauce on the bottom
  • Pure zucchini spaghetti in the middle
  • Tomato sauce on top

This keeps some of the zucchini crunchy and fresh.


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Ulrike Eder (Author)

Ulrike is a naturopath, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Hippocrates Lifestyle Medicine Coach and phytotherapist. Together with her husband, Jürgen, she leads the Holistic Nutrition Coach training program of Your Nutrition Academy.



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