
Training Contract

1. Content and Duration of the Training Program

Subject of the training program „Holistic Nutrition Coach with Focus on Raw Vegan“ are 28 lessons contained in six training modules and a practical handbook. The training is state-approved under ZFU approval number 7325618, and the training language is English.

The following topics are covered in the training program:

      • Human nutrition, from prehistoric times to industrial nutrition
      • Human anatomy, different body systems
      • Metabolic processes in the body
      • Macro- and micronutrients – what nourishes the human being?
      • Connection between diseases and nutrition and holistic measures
      • Optimal nutrition – different life situations – Somatic intelligence
      • Nutritional coaching methodology and case studies

In addition to the training modules, which primarily cover the theoretical training content, the practical handbook provides the necessary practical knowledge, including practical preparation instructions.

      • Raw food in everyday life, raw vegan recipes suitable for everyday use
      • Transitioning methods from conventional to raw vegan nutrition
      • Somatic intelligence
      • Food science

The exam can be completed within 12 months. Short tests will prove the participant’s knowledge after each lesson to support his/her learning.

2. Type and Validity of the Training Qualification

The training program prepares students for the final exam. The exam consists of two parts: an online multiple-choice test and a case study. A „Holistic Nutrition Coach – Focus on Raw Vegan“ certificate of completion will be issued upon passing.

3. Access to the Training Content

Access to the online campus is granted after receipt of payment or the first installment, usually automatically and directly after payment confirmation. The participant requires an Internet connection and a device (PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone with a conventional Internet browser) suitable for accessing the training content on the online campus.

4. Costs of the Training Program

The total cost of the BASIC training program „Holistic Nutrition Coach with Focus on Raw Vegan“ in the certified online version, including all teaching content, is 1920 €, payable in 6 or 12 equal monthly installments of 330 € or 170 € each. The total cost for the PLUS training program is 2540 €, payable in 6 or 12 equal monthly installments of 430 € or 225 €. The total cost for the PRO training program is 3960 €, payable in 6 or 12 equal monthly installments of 670 € or 340 €. The amount is due for the first time upon the conclusion of the contract and then monthly.

Additionally in-depth modules can be booked optionally for an extra fee.

5. Term of Contract and Cancellation Policy

The contract period ends after 6 or 12 months, while the online access to the training content remains after the end of the contract period. The contract has a minimum term of 3 months.

The participant can terminate this training contract without giving reasons for the first time at the end of the third month after the conclusion of the contract with a notice period of 4 weeks to the end of the month.

The right of the organizer and the participant to terminate this contract at any time for valid reasons remains unaffected. For the organizer, a justified reason for termination of the training program exists, particularly in the case of default of payment and infringement of industrial and copyrights or other rights of the organizer. In these cases, already paid fees will not be refunded.

If the participant wishes to terminate the training program, the termination must be submitted to us in written form. In the event of termination, the participant shall only pay the portion of the fee that corresponds to the value of the services provided by the organizer during the term of the contract.

6. Prerequisites for Training Program and Examination

No previous education is required for participation in the training program. The participant declares that he/ she has access to the Internet, as the training program and the first part of the final examination will take place online. The participant provides the requirements for Internet access on his/her own responsibility and at own expense.

The participant fulfills all admission requirements for the final exam after completing the training content. The participant does not need any additional learning materials beyond those provided by the organizer.

7. Extension of the Examination Period

The participant can extend the regular examination period of 12 months for another year. This extension costs 99 €.

8. Liability

The organizer will not be liable for any damages arising directly or indirectly from the performance of the training program unless they are based on an intentional or grossly negligent breach of contract.

9. Jurisdiction

For disputes arising from this contract or about the existence of such a contract, the court in whose district the participant has his/her residence shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

10. Final Clause

Oral collateral agreements must be in writing to be valid. Should any provision of this contract be or become legally invalid, the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected.

11. Revocation / Cancellation policy

Right of Revocation

The participant has the right to revoke this agreement within fourteen days without giving any reason. The revocation period is fourteen days from the day of the conclusion of the contract or from the day the participant or a third party named by him/her has taken possession of the first goods.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, the participant must inform the organizer of his/her decision to withdraw from this agreement by means of an explicit declaration (e.g. an e-mail or a letter sent by post). The participant can download a sample revocation form at the following link:


The revocation must be sent to:
E-mail: contact@your-nutrition.com
Your Nutrition Academy, Jürgen Eder, Johann-Mutter-Str. 23, 86899 Landsberg,

To meet the cancellation deadline, the participant needs to send the notification of the exercise of the right of cancellation before the end of the cancellation period.

Consequences of Revocation

If the participant revokes this contract, we shall reimburse him/her all payments we have received from him/her, including delivery costs ((except for additional costs resulting from the fact that he/she has chosen a type of delivery other than the standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and no later than within fourteen days from the day on which we received the notification of the participant revocation of this contract. For this repayment, we will use the same means of payment that he/she used for the original transaction unless expressly agreed otherwise with the participant; in no case will the participant be charged any fees because of this repayment.


Your Nutrition Academy
Phone: +49 8191 989 463
Email: contact@your-nutrition.com