
Wheatgrass Juice

Dr. Brian Clement, director of the Hippocrates Health Institute, swears by the healing power of wheatgrass juice. This knowledge can be traced back to Ann Wigmore, born in Lithuania in 1909. She had learned the healing properties of food from her grandmother, when she was diagnosed with cancer. Through the practice of consuming living food from then on, she became completely healthy again.

Today, the Living Food diet is practiced and offered therapeutically at the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida.

Wheatgrass has an enormous wealth of nutrients and a detoxifying effect

Wheatgrass has an enormous wealth of chlorophyll, enzymes, minerals, amino acids and phytonutrients, while having the potential to detoxify and nourish like no other food. Fresh wheatgrass juice is composed of about 70% chlorophyll, has a cleansing and blood-building effect, and has great healing powers on our bodies.

For home cultivation, organic sprouted seeds that germinate well should be used, as they have a particularly high germination capacity. You can also alternate between wheat, barley and spelt.



  • Soak seeds in water overnight.
  • The next day, spread seeds evenly on organic growing soil, cover with a thin layer of soil and sprinkle with water.
  • It’s recommended to cover wheat, spelt and barley seeds with an equal-sized tray for two days, as they are dark germinators and germination rate is higher in the dark.
  • Remove the tray on the third day and spray with water once or twice a day. The soil should be permanently moist but not wet. After 7 to 10 days with a height of 15 to 20 cm, the wheatgrass will be ready for harvest.


For juicing wheatgrass, ideally a juicer with a slowly rotating pressing screw should be used, as these whirl in less oxygen. If larger quantities of wheatgrass are available at one time, wheatgrass juice can be frozen in small portions. This is not quite as effective as fresh, but the nutrient content is still very high.


It’s recommended to start with 30ml of wheatgrass juice daily and ideally drink on an empty stomach, 15 to 30 minutes before breakfast. This way the nutrients can be absorbed optimally. The amount can be increased to 60ml daily.


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Ulrike Eder (Author)

Ulrike is a naturopath, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Hippocrates Lifestyle Medicine Coach and phytotherapist. Together with her husband, Jürgen, she leads the Holistic Nutrition Coach training program of Your Nutrition Academy.



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