We regularly get the question: Which is better – a freshly squeezed juice or a smoothie? What are the health benefits?
When it comes to healthy eating, freshly squeezed juices and smoothies are two popular options for increasing the intake of fresh leafy greens and other veggies and adding a variety of nutrients to the diet. Blending or juicing breaks down cell structures and increases the accessibility of many micronutrients. So smoothies and freshly squeezed juices are rich in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants, but they also have some differences in how they affect our bodies.
A healthy smoothie ideally consists of about two-thirds leafy vegetables and one-third fruit, mixed with water.
This means that all plant components are contained in the smoothie, with all their nutrients in a natural active ingredient complex, including the plant fibers. This fiber is important for digestion, contributes to satiety and helps keep blood sugar levels stable.When drunk on an empty stomach, the nutrients can be optimally absorbed.
Smoothies are low in fat and have nourishing, purifying and detoxifying properties at the same time. They offer an excellent way to provide the body with important nutrients while supporting a healthy cleanse.
While a blender is required for smoothies, a juicer is needed for freshly squeezed juice. It’s important to press fruits and vegetables gently, with a low number of revolutions and minimal oxygen turbulence. That’s why we definitely recommend a juicer with press screws. The fruits and vegetables are crushed and pressed against a fine sieve. Centrifugal juicers work with very high rotation speeds and are less suitable for nutrient-preserving juicing.
A freshly squeezed juice has a very relieving effect on the digestive system. Due to the squeezing of the plants, the fiber is missing and the nutrients are highly concentrated and can enter the blood more quickly.
This is very valuable for people who suffer from nutrient deficiency or who have comprimised digestive systems. A green juice has special healing properties. It is less filling and more detoxifying and purifying than a smoothie and is used, among other things, in the treatment of degenerative diseases and cancer.
A pioneer of green juice is Ann Wigmore and a pioneer of fresh vegetable juices is Norman Walker.
Don’t juice spinach, parsley or Swiss chard in large quantities because of their oxalic acid content (which limits calcium absorption).
Recipes for your daily practice
Green Juice
- 1 cucumber
- 1 bunch celery
Juice both ingredients gently and enjoy promptly!
Green Smoothie
Fill blender with 1 handful each of lettuce and kale, 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 slice of lemon, 1 piece (1-2 inches) of fresh ginger, 2 cups of water – blend for 1 minute – done !!
Preparing a smoothie is really quick, while preparing a juice is a bit more involved, as cleaning the juicer afterwards is more time consuming.
Green smoothies are a delicious, nutrient-dense and satisfying meal – green juice is highly concentrated, relieving, stimulates detoxification and is great for detox or fasting days.
Both juices and smoothies are definitely a boost to your diet! Overall, a freshly squeezed juice is considered more nutrient dense, as with a smoothie, nutrients are lost and oxygen is swirled in due to the vigorous blending process.
How do you decide about juice or smoothie? We appreciate your feedback in the comments!
Find more info and smoothie and juice recipes here:
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